Kingston University intranet

Kingston University intranet

I have written many features for Kingston University's intranet, StaffSpace. These are read by both academics and support staff, and often adapted for an even wider audience on the University's website. So texts need to be written in language that is easily understood by readers of all levels of technical ability, but without dumbing down the subjects covered.

Click on the thumbnails below to read PDFs of some of the features. Please note that, as these file were created from web pages they do not conform to standard paper sizes.

Click on this thumbnail to read a feature on the launch of a new university faculty

Click on this thumbnail to read about research into developing alternatives to antibiotics

Click on this thumbnail to read a story about a group of adults with learning disabilities visiting the Centre for Iris Murdoch Studies

Click on this thumbnail to read an economist's views on capping bankers' bonuses and executive pay

Click on this thumbnail to read about the development of nanotechnology coatings for aircraft